When you're a Work at Home Mom, you have to find little pockets of time to do all the work you have to do. My friend, Michelle, calls them, the Mom Cracks of time.
Apart from the obvious nap times and after bed time, what are some of those little cracks you find you can use for work?
I don't know about you, but my kids take forever to eat. So, often, I'm done before they are (even if they start first!) so I can usually do a couple of things in that pocket of time. Like working on my to do list for the day, planning and such things. Having lists of what needs to be done really helps me stay organized. Especially since my time is so fragmented. Anytime I find myself with a few minutes free, I don't have to think, I can just look at my list, pick a task that seems appropriate and tackle it. I don't always get everything done but it makes me feel productive at least.
Apart from the obvious nap times and after bed time, what are some of those little cracks you find you can use for work?
I don't know about you, but my kids take forever to eat. So, often, I'm done before they are (even if they start first!) so I can usually do a couple of things in that pocket of time. Like working on my to do list for the day, planning and such things. Having lists of what needs to be done really helps me stay organized. Especially since my time is so fragmented. Anytime I find myself with a few minutes free, I don't have to think, I can just look at my list, pick a task that seems appropriate and tackle it. I don't always get everything done but it makes me feel productive at least.
Making chores a fun time with kids does help too. For example, the kids love to sit in the loops of the central vacuum and be pushed around. So they actually think we're playing but I still get that done! And it works for me too,
I definitely like to catch up on my shows while folding laundry too. It makes it fun and relaxing.
Now that my oldest can do a few little things, it's a huge help. It might take her 15 minutes to do what I could in 2 minutes, but eh, I can do something else in the meantime, hehe!
What about you? In what creative ways do you combine chores or make time for yourself?
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