Stampin' Up! is known for their extensive colour collections and coordination. We have 4 families of 10 unique, gorgeous colours: Neutrals, Regals, Brights, and Subtles. To add variety and ensure they are always on trend, Stampin' Up! also releases 5 new colours every year, for a period of 2 years, we call those InColors. Discovering what will be the 5 new colours chosen every year is always a very exciting time for demonstrators and other enthusiast. These colors are revealed with the annual catalogue, in July. This year's colours are: Lovely Lipstick, Grapefruit Grove, Pineapple Punch, Call Me Clover, and Blueberry Bushel. They are very bright and lively colours, and they go together very well, which isn't always the purpose of these additions. I usually change my mind on which one is my favourite over time, but for now, I really love the shade of Grapefruit Grove. I wanted to make a sample of cards to showcase these new colours, and chose to make small...